
Greed; The Story of Bart Whitaker and His Family

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Have you ever heard the word greed? What if I tell you they are a great storm of misfortune that has been hovering on the earth waiting to destroy your destiny?

What if I tell you, right now there is a powerful idol in the world, so powerful that many people worship even more than God?

That Idol is GREED!

Greed is permanent slavery that has blinded men, making them foolish and easy prey to death. It’s quite unfortunate that we are in a generation where GREED has poisoned many souls and destroyed many lives.

it’s very sad to see that many people today are driven to the act of greed just to enrich their selves.

I want you to know that GREED can never fulfill you, whether you drive a BMW or Marute, the road remains the same. Whether you wear a branded suit or a normal shirt, the body remains the same, it doesn’t change. Whether you have a Titan or Rolex watch, the time remains the same. Whether you use Samsung or Apple, the people who call you are the same.

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There is nothing wrong with dreaming of a luxurious life, what needs to be seen is that those needs don’t become greed.

Remember, Greed can never be fulfilled, so your need for acceptance can make you invisible in the world.

We are in a generation where money seems to become the master through the negative motivation of greed.

You see When greed takes over our individual lives, personal lives, family lives, government, or corporate life then we have set up a pattern that’s against the norms of life and about to destroy many lives.

Countless times, you’ve heard that money makes the world go round, and it just feels like you can never have enough. I want you to know that all the luxuries of life can never satisfy the soul.

It is meaningless to acquire the whole world out of greed knowing that you’ll one day lose your soul.

What’s the point of bringing your business to the next level out of greed when you’ve neglected your family, friends, and dignity and now lost what was more important to you than money?

It’s foolishness to hurt others for the desire of money. Money can’t buy love, money can’t buy you peace, or honesty. Life is not always about getting stuff and buying material things. Don’t get caught in the chains of greed.

In this life, I have barely seen greedy people with a good ending. Greed is not worth emulating, almost every greedy person ends up regretting their evil deeds.

This was a similar case with Bart Whitaker back in 2003. Bart Whitaker was born on December 31, 1979, to his father Kent, who was the comptroller of a construction company, and his mother Patricia (Trish), who worked as an elementary school teacher.

Even though his parents spent so much of their wealth on him to give him a luxurious lifestyle, he was still not contented and wanted to inherit his parent’s wealth out of greed.

His greediness made him so dishonest that he often lied to his parents just to earn more gifts and money from them. He had lied to his parents about his enrollment status and academic progress.

Despite his dishonesty, his parents continued to fund his studies and even purchased a lakeside townhouse in Willis, Texas, for him to live in. Furthermore, they gifted him a $4,000 Rolex watch.

But he was still not satisfied and wanted to kill his entire family to inherit all the wealth.

Bart Whitaker then deceitfully informed his family that he had completed his final university exams and was on track to graduate from SHSU.

His plan to kill his family was carefully orchestrated. He recruited two friends to carry out the murder and promised them a share of his family’s wealth. He gave them detailed instructions on how to break into the house and kill his family.

The plan was executed, Bart almost lost his entire family through a gunshot. But fortunately, Bart’s father survived the incident despite losing his wife and son to the shooting.

After the abominable incident, Bart moved to Mexico to start a new life. But unfortunately for him, A warrant for capital murder was issued against him on September 15, 2005.

That was how Bart was arrested in Mexico and brought back to the US for questioning.

As early as 2007, Kent Whitaker had already forgiven his son and his accomplices for their roles in the murders.

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Sadly, Whitaker was finally sentenced to death. But with only 30 minutes remaining before his scheduled execution via lethal injection, Bart Whitaker’s life was spared in 2018 after Texas Governor Greg Abbott commuted his sentence from death to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. While his friends were sentenced to life imprisonment.

The life of Bart should be a great lesson to every one of you watching this video. Imagine losing your entire family and loved ones for material things.

Always remember that the Earth will provide enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed. If any of you is not contented with what you have today, you’ll never be contented with the ones you would have in the future.

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