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Billpoint was established by eBay in 1998 and served as an online payment service until it was bought out in 1999. It enables users to transmit money using their email addresses to other people, streamlining the online payment process. However, in 2003 eBay began to provide its payment method, known as PayPal, which has since become the primary choice for visitors to this website. Consequently, the Billpoint company went out of business in 2004.

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Billpoint Review – Is Billpoint Legit?

When it was used, Billpoint was an authorized payment solution for the Internet which had been supported by eBay. It has been set up to give users a secure and efficient way of conducting business online. As eBay purchased it, and subsequently replaced it with PayPal, this product has ceased to be used. Consequently, it is not possible to make online payments with Billpoint. However, it was an efficient and reliable method of carrying out business on the Internet while it existed.

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